Preparing for the Dental Implants Procedure

Preparing for the Dental Implants Procedure from Grand Valley Dentistry in Allendale Charter Twp, MIThe process of getting dental implants is a series of smaller procedures that takes place over several appointments or several months. Some steps of preparation involve taking care of the physical body to respond appropriately to these procedures, and other steps are taken by the oral health professionals responsible for the treatment. The steps are simple to follow, and knowing what to expect can make it easier to prepare for implants.

5 implant preparation elements

The process of getting implants involves a number of factors. It is important to adhere to any specific requirements or steps outlined by the provider in charge of the treatment, but this is a basic overview of possible preparation steps.

1. Dental exam

Though a patient may wish for dental implants, it is a dentist who may ultimately determine if the patient is a good candidate for the process. A thorough examination of the mouth, the use of dental X-rays, and a review of medical records will inform a dentist if the patient has the physical and oral health necessary to sustain treatment. The plan for moving forward with implants will be unique to a patient, as will be the steps to prepare for each step of the process.

2. Antibiotics

Some patients receive a prescription for antibiotics prior to the implant procedure. This is generally done for patients who deal with chronic conditions or who have received immunosuppressant medications to prevent the body from attacking or rejecting the implants. Always follow the course of medication completely.

3. Physical care

The body needs to prepare for the surgical procedure, and part of this is fasting for at least 12 hours before the procedure is done. It is also important to get plenty of rest and be mentally prepared for the process. Take time to purchase plenty of nutritional drinks, soups, and soft foods so there will be plenty available in the days following the recovery period. It takes several weeks of eating soft foods to let the implants heal and settle, but it could take longer if a bone graft is required to help anchor the implants.

4. Jaw preparation

If there is not enough jawbone to support an implant, the dentist may perform a bone graft. If the jaw is too big, some of the bone may be removed. The jaw may also be reshaped or smoothed to prepare for the implant.

5. Downtime

It may be wise to plan for a day of rest following the implant procedure, as the mouth may be sore. Things like eating, talking, or sitting up could be uncomfortable for a day or two. Move things around the schedule or plan for a lighter day to give the body time to recover. Discomfort and soreness are to be expected, as well as some bleeding and swelling, and it is often easier to address these at home.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants in Allendale Charter Twp, MI


Careful preparation for dental implants can make the procedure and recovery go smoothly. Talk to a dentist about the specific steps needed to fully prepare for an implant procedure.

Request an appointment or call Grand Valley Dentistry at 616-259-6046 for an appointment in our Allendale Charter Twp office.

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